Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Review 1: Creative Mind

Discussion topic: how does new media and technology change and influence you?

Media is all about sharing ideas, opinions, and emotions. As technology is expanded and improved upon, it only becomes easier to share these things. Today it is easier than ever to look up an artist, share them through social media, or find a new artist by just browsing the internet or talking to others. I believe this sort of change has had a great effect on not only our personal lives, but the global culture as well. Humans naturally are interested in new things and ideas, and when given the opportunity to find them, they will usually gladly take it. 

I think this has led to many more people, including myself, to pursue creative projects that they can share through the web. Even though becoming a professional artist of any medium is still a rare event, there are still enough people out there to be sure that someone might appreciate what you've created and enjoy it. If you create something that many people appreciate, you can build your network and become an influencer of sorts. The reality is that everything is an influence, and everyone is an influencer. The real distinction lies in the magnitude of their influence. 

New media can really be anything. It doesn't even have to be technically 'new'. Many artists use ideas and even sample directly from past sources that they find influential. Yet despite the content, or not all of the content being new, the context is different and thus the art can mean a completely different thing to the consumer. To me, the most influential of new media makes me see things in new ways. It either solidifies my understanding of a concept, or makes an idea that I previously thought I knew to seem more confusing or ambiguous. It can take me to completely new places, which I might have no understanding of. With each of these new experiences I learn more about the universe, those around me, and myself. To me, that's what media is all about. As we gain the ability to share ourselves more effortlessly than ever, we can coagulate our global consciousness and gain a broader understanding of life collectively. 

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